This week we will finish up with the Olive Tree Genealogy Website. The above section is dedicated to Ships Passenger Lists. As we all know the United States is a land of vast cultures coming together in one place. Which such diversity it is helpful to know where these ancestors came from before setting in the United States.
The lists on this page are for immigrants arriving in the United States, Canada, Australia & New Zealand, South Africa and England.
Another list is to locate ancestors leaving the United States and Canada.
The first area breaks it up into the five major ports of arrival in the US: New York, New York, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Baltimore, Maryland, Boston, Massachusetts and New Orleans, Louisana.
Regarding Canada, one is reminded that there were no comprehensive ships passenger lista prior to 1865 as shipping companies were not required to keep a passenger manifest. There are a number of resources available in this area to help overcome the lack of maniftests like Edinburgh Settlers 1815, Petworth Immigrants 1832-1837, Immigrants proceeding to Upper Canada via New York 1817-1819 Index and many other resources.
The Australia & New Zealand section covers 1700-1800 when over 1,000,000 people immigrated there. Most were from the British Isles but they were from other locations too. According to the site, over 160,000 convicts were sent to Australia along with some going to Tasmania.
South Africa covers passenger lists from 1680 up to eary 1900s. Her site provides many helps for those seeking out their traveling ancestors.
The Outbound ships from Canada and the USA to Europe, North America and other locations is dependent on what records were kept. There are partial lists and these are very valuable. For instance there are the Almhouse Records of New York City from 1819-1855 which were established to help with the immigrant poor in the early 1800s.
There are many lists/databases of immigrants on all of these pages, take some time to investigate and see if your ancestor are there.
There are other great coverages on this whole site and definitely worth your time and energy to browse the many pages there to help you with your ancestral research.
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